# Hello Express ideas in text format is not an easy task but as time passes I realize it is a critical skill in Software Development/Engineering role. I've been thinking in start a blog since the last year but it seemed to be too much work to create my blog from the bottom up, the first idea was a Django app with a management system for posts or setup some external tool with a custom DNS, one way or another my goal was to have the simplest blog possible. # Searching for existing tools At a first glance at the market, I discovered interesting tools like Substack¹, but it looked too serious and "Medium-like". To my surprise, turns out that "minimalistic blogs" are a thing, and from what I found Hugo² and Jekyll³ are the ones which do the job well. Well... But the design wasn't a problem since I work in Backend and I intend to share knowledge via posts like this initially. # The realization Fast forward, to the other day I was doing some maintenance work in some legacy systems at my job and it required me to check Nginx docs constantly, after a couple of weeks I got to realize that it was exactly what I need for a minimal blog. I remembered having seen something about Nginx's "autoindex" directive before, but I didn't get too far in it at that time. # Result After a couple of days trying to set it up properly... It's alive, this blog runs on Nginx only, it has no backend application and no database. The setup is easy as you only have to have a "Dockerfile" and an "nginx.conf", by the way, if want to have a blog exactly like this, you can copy these files from the project's GitHub page: https://github.com/Drunpy/blog # Future The plan is to keep developing new features but to keep it as minimal as possible. - I'm planning to implement an RSS feed because I bet that more people will reconsider RSS readers after the implosion of Twitter under Elon Musk's command. - Another thing is Analytics, Cloudflare Web Analytics is holding it, for now, but I'm amazed at how hard is to find an analytics service that works with proxying requests. - A simple chat or comment system where people can interact with the content/each other wouldn't be a bad idea. # The end Thanks for reading here, you can expect more content related to Computer Science topics, backend development, and others. # Links & Mentions 1.: https://substack.com 2.: https://gohugo.io 3.: https://jekyllrb.com Lorran Rosa, Rio de Janeiro - 19/11/202.